Fund "We give hope together"


The Fund was established by citizens of Ukraine in 2023 year. Government license ________ The aim of the Funds activity is to provide people throughout Ukraine in wide field of their life, including, but not restricted, the following spheres:

  • assistance of defence capability and mobilization readiness of the country, protection of the population in emergency situations of peace and martial law.

  • education;

  • health Sphere;

  • ecology, environment and animal care;

  • assistance to victims of disasters, armed conflicts and accidents, as well as to refugees and persons in difficult life circumstances;

  • social protection, social security, social services and overcoming poverty;

  • culture and art, protection of cultural heritage;

  • development of international cooperation of Ukraine;

  • Stimulating the economic growth and development Ukraine’s economy and her regions and increasing of Ukraine’s competitiveness.

  • assistance in the implementation of state, regional, local and international programs aimed at improving the socio-economic situation in Ukraine.

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